Lesson 1: ETags in REST
1. Goals
The goal and focus of this lesson is to introduce you to the concept of ETags and how these help with your API implementation.
2. Lesson Notes
The relevant module you need to import when you're starting with this lesson is: m10-lesson1-start
If you want to skip and see the complete implementation, feel free to jump ahead and import: m10-lesson1
2.1. Intro to ETags
At a high level, ETags, or entity tags, are used for HTTP caching with "conditional" requests.
More concretely, the ETag is a response HTTP header that is - simply put - a hash of the response representation.
And so, any change in the response will change the ETag as well.
Here’s a simple example:
curl -H "Accept: application/json" -i http://localhost:8080/api/foos/1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ETag: "f88dd058fe004909615a64f01be66a7"
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 52
With the new ETag value, future requests can now use that value and start sending conditional requests.
2.2. Conditional Requests
Using an If-* header turns a standard GET request into a conditional GET.
The two If-* headers that are used with ETags are:
- If-None-Match and
- If-Match
When a conditional request is sent, the API will determines if the ETag of the response is the same. If it is, it means the representation hasn’t changed - and so the API will simply to return a 304 Not Modified and skip returning the data in the body of the response.
Here’s a simple example:
curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H 'If-None-Match: "f88dd058fe004909615a64f01be66a7"'
-i http://localhost:8080/rest-sec/api/resources/1
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
ETag: "f88dd058fe004909615a64f01be66a7"
As you can immediately see, that can potentially yield huge bandwidth savings.
Beyond the conditional GET, we can also use ETags to do a conditional PUT and avoid the Lost Update problem (this would be a form of optimistic concurrency).
2.3. The Two Implementations of ETags
There are usually two ways of approaching the ETags implementation:
- a shallow implementation
- a deep implementation
With the shallow approach - we simply intercept the HTTP response as it’s about to go out, we calculate the hash and simply make the change right there.
The disadvantage of this solution is that the system still does the full computation and generates the response.
But we still get a lot of the bandwidth savings - which can be very significant.
The deeper implementation on the other hand will make use of the ETag value sooner and - if the value is the same - skip calculating the response at all.
That would give us both the bandwidth savings, but also the computational savings.
The downside of that is that the implementation is a lot more complex.
2.4. The Shallow Implementation
In this lesson we're going to focus on the shallow implementation of ETags.
Spring provides out of the box support for this implementation - the ShallowEtagHeaderFilter - a filter that we can simply plug into our Servlet config and just start using.
Keep in mind that this is a standard filter, so you can set it up however you want to.
We're going to be using the Spring Boot flavor of setup to do our configuration here:
@Bean public FilterRegistrationBean someFilterRegistration() { FilterRegistrationBean registration = new FilterRegistrationBean(); registration.setFilter(etagFilter()); registration.addUrlPatterns("/api/*"); registration.setName("etagFilter"); registration.setOrder(1); return registration; } @Bean(name = "etagFilter") public Filter etagFilter() { return new ShallowEtagHeaderFilter(); }
And that is literally it. You can now see why we might prefer this implementation - it’s so very easy to plug in and use.
Note: In the video, we're making the request to http://localhost:8082/um-webapp/api/roles/7, and using the Basic Authorization mechanism with [email protected]/userpass credentials
2.5. Errata
In the code base, as the context path has been changed to /um-webapp/api, the etagFilter URL pattern will now be: