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Learn Spring: The Certification Class (2019-2020)
Module 0 - Before you Start
Course Introduction
Mindset and How to Go Through the Course Material
How I Keep the Course Updated
Why this course is called 2019-2020
Module 1 - Getting Started With Spring 5 (39 minutes)
Lesson 1: Why Spring? (4:51)
Lesson 2: Understanding the Full Spring Ecosystem (4:34)
Lesson 3: Introducing Spring Boot (4:54)
Lesson 4: A Simple Development Environment (10:16)
Lesson 5: The Real-World Project We’re Building (7:10)
Lesson 6: Maven and Spring (7:24)
Module 2 - Dependency Injection and the Spring Context (33 minutes)
Lesson 1: What Is DI and How Does It Work in Spring? (5:35)
Lesson 2: The Basics of Java Configuration and the Spring Context (5:47)
Lesson 3: Defining Beans, Component Scanning and Bean Annotations (6:37)
Lesson 4: Lifecycle of a Bean - Init and Destroy Hooks (5:55)
Lesson 5: Simple Wiring and Injection - part 1 (4:49)
Lesson 5: Simple Wiring and Injection - part 2 (4:01)
Lesson 6: Exploring the Scopes of Spring Beans (Text-Only)
Lesson 7: The BeanPostProcessor and the BeanFactoryPostProcessor (text-only)
Lesson 8: The Spring Application Context (extra) (text-only)
Module 3 - Project Configuration (44 minutes)
Lesson 1: Working with Properties (9:32)
Lesson 2: Working with Profiles in Spring (6:44)
Lesson 3: Logging in a Spring Boot Project - The Right Way (10:11)
Lesson 4: Deploying the Boot Application via the IDE (4:30)
Lesson 5: The Spring Testing Framework - part 1 (3:46)
Lesson 5: The Spring Testing Framework - part 2 (9:01)
Lesson 6: Working with @PropertySource (Text-Only)
Module 4 - Deep Dive Into Spring Boot (14 minutes)
Lesson 1: Spring Boot Auto-Configuration (7:31)
Lesson 2: Actuators in Boot (6:52)
Lesson 3: Actuators in Boot - Custom Health Indicator (Text-only)
Module 5 - Persistence and Data Access (34 minutes)
Lesson 1: Project Persistence with Spring Data JPA (8:02)
Lesson 2: Beyond the Default Repository (8:12)
Lesson 3: Pagination and Sorting (8:54)
Lesson 4: Spring with JPA and Hibernate (8:27)
Lesson 5: Transactions in Spring (text-only)
Module 6 - Web Basics and Spring MVC (36 minutes)
Lesson 1: What is MVC and Spring MVC (5:36)
Lesson 2: Expanding Our First Controller (7:33)
Lesson 3: An MVC-style Application vs a REST API (5:04)
Lesson 4: Decouple the Controller from Entities (9:00)
Lesson 5: Testing with Boot (9:16)
Annex: Introduction to Web Development Concepts (text-only)
Module 7 - Templating Engines and Spring MVC (35 minutes)
Lesson 1: Views, View Resolvers and Templating Engines - part 1 (6:27)
Lesson 1: Views, View Resolvers and Templating Engines - part 2 (3:03)
Lesson 2: A Full Create Operation with Thymeleaf (7:19)
Lesson 3: The Basics of Form Validation (9:17)
Lesson 4: Spring MVC with the FreeMarker Template Engine (9:13)
Lesson 5: Spring MVC with the Mustache Template Engine (text-only)
Module 8 - Building a REST API (28 minutes)
Lesson 1: Controller Basics - part 1 (5:46)
Lesson 1: Controller Basics - part 2 (2:50)
Lesson 2: Controllers and Request/Response (Text-Only)
Lesson 3: Controllers and URLs - The @PathVariable Annotation (Text-Only)
Lesson 4: Controllers and URLs - The @RequestParam annotation (Text-Only)
Lesson 5: Exception Handling in the API - part 1 (4:20)
Lesson 5: Exception Handling in the API - part 2 (6:24)
Lesson 6: Intro to the RestTemplate (9:09)
Module 9 - Advanced Features in Spring (33 minutes)
Lesson 1: An Intro to AOP in Spring (4:08)
Lesson 2: Spring AOP in Practice (Text-Only)
Lesson 3: The Spring Expression Language (SpEL) (9:09)
Lesson 4: Working with Events and Listeners (8:44)
Lesson 5: The New Reactive Paradigm in Spring (10:54)
Lesson 6: Introduction to Spring Security (Text-Only)
Lesson 7: Spring Proxies (Text-only)
MVC Reference Project (Text-Only)
REST Reference Project (Text-Only)
REST Reference Project with Gradle (Text-Only)
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Lesson 3: The Basics of Form Validation
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