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Learn Spring Security OAuth: The Master Class
Module 0 - Before you Start
Course Introduction
Mindset and How to Go Through the Course Material
The Project in your IDE
How I keep the courses updated
Course Changelog
Module 1: Intro to OAuth2 and the OAuth2 Roles (~ 2 hours)
The New OAuth Material, Release Schedule and Text-Only Lessons
Lesson 1: Intro to OAuth2 and the OAuth2 Roles (theory) (text-only)
Lesson 2: Picking the Right OAuth Grant Type/Flow to Use (theory) (8:34)
Lesson 3: The State of OAuth2 in Spring Security (4:47)
Lesson 4: Setting up the Project (text-only)
Module 2: The Basics of OAuth2 (~ 3 hours)
Lesson 1: The Authorization Code Flow (theory) (4:40)
Lesson 2: The Authorization Server with Keycloak (10:44)
Lesson 3: The New OAuth2 Client Support - part 1 (8:04)
Lesson 3: The New OAuth2 Client Support - part 2 (8:48)
Lesson 4: The New Resource Server Support - part 1 (6:42)
Lesson 4: The New Resource Server Support - part 2 (5:24)
Lesson 5: JWT Support (text-only)
Module 3: OAuth2 Beyond the Basics - The Resource Server (~ 8 hours)
Lesson 1: Basic Authorization with OAuth2 (text-only)
Lesson 2: Verify/Validate Claims from the JWT (Text-Only)
Lesson 3: Accessing JWT Bearer Token Authentication Attributes (text-only)
Lesson 4: Accessing JWT Bearer Token Authentication Attributes Using SpEL (text-only)
Lesson 5: Custom Authorities From JWT Claims (text-only)
Lesson 6: Custom Validators For JWT Claims (text-only)
Lesson 7: Resource Server Multi-Tenancy Support (text-only)
Lesson 8: Resource Server Testing Support (text-only)
Module 4: OAuth2 Beyond the Basics - The Client (~ 5 hours)
Lesson 1: The Client Configuration Under the Hood (text-only)
Lesson 2: New OAuth2 Social Login (text-only)
Lesson 3: Refreshing a Token (text-only)
Lesson 4: Testing OAuth2 Clients (text-only)
Lesson 5: The Authorization Code Flow with PKCE (text-only)
Module 5: OAuth2 Beyond the Basics - Deep-Dives (~ 11 hours)
Lesson 1: OAuth2 and SPAs (theory) (text-only)
Lesson 2: OAuth2 and SPAs (implementation) (text-only)
Lesson 3: Exploring JWS with OAuth2 (text-only)
Lesson 4: Testing OAuth2 with REST-assured (text-only)
Lesson 5: OAuth2 and OpenID Connect (text-only)
Lesson 6: Logout With OAuth and OIDC (text-only)
Lesson 7: The Client Credentials Flow (text-only)
Lesson 8 - Token Revocation (text-only)
Lesson 9: The Legacy Stack Authorization Server (text-only)
Module 6: Microservices, Spring Security and OAuth2 (~ 4 hours)
Lesson 1: OAuth Security Patterns in a Microservice Application
Lesson 2: Sharing Principal Information in Microservices
Lesson 3: Exploring Topologies - Gateway API as OAuth2 Client - part 1
Lesson 3: Exploring Topologies - Gateway API as OAuth2 Client - part 2
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Lesson 5: The Authorization Code Flow with PKCE (text-only)
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