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Learn Spring Data JPA: The Master Class
Module 0 - Before You Start
Course Introduction
Mindset and How to Go Through the Course Material
Course Changelog
How I Keep the Course Updated
Troubleshooting and How to Ask for Support
Module 1 - Getting Started with Spring Data JPA (~ 1.5 hours)
Lesson 1: The Java Persistence Ecosystem
Lesson 2: Overview of Spring Data JPA
Lesson 3: The Persistence Project We’re Building - part 1
Lesson 3: The Persistence Project We’re Building - part 2
Module 2 - Spring Data Repositories (~ 3.5 hours)
Lesson 1: Spring Data JPA Setup
Lesson 2: Introduction to Spring Data JPA Repositories
Lesson 3: Derived Query Methods
Lesson 4: Deep Dive Into Derived Query Methods
Lesson 5: Spring Data JPA Save Methods
Lesson 6: Spring Data JPA Delete Methods
Lesson 7: Testing Spring Data Repositories
Module 3 - Spring Data Custom Queries with JPQL and native SQL (~ 4 hours)
Lesson 1: Using @Query
Lesson 2: Using @Query with Parameters
Lesson 3: @Modifying Queries
Lesson 4: Named Queries
Lesson 5: Returning a Custom Object from a Query
Module 4 - Pagination and Sorting (~ 4 hours)
Lesson 1: Pagination and Sorting Support
Lesson 2: Sorting
Lesson 3: Sorting With @Query
Lesson 4: Pagination
Lesson 5: Using Pagination in Controllers - part 1
Lesson 5: Using Pagination in Controllers - part 2
Module 5 - Alternate Querying Methods (~ 2 hours)
Lesson 1: Building Queries with Specifications
Lesson 2: Using Query by Example
Lesson 3: Query DSL
Module 6 - Advanced Features (~ 3.5 hours)
Lesson 1: Custom Methods in Repositories
Lesson 2: Spring Data and Transactions
Lesson 3: Domain Events
Lesson 4: Auditing
Lesson 5: Entity Graphs
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Lesson 1: Custom Methods in Repositories
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